Thursday, September 1, 2016

Up-Close and Personal: Dances with Wolves

I don't want to risk taking Champagne Toast out for a photo shoot (as he is for sale), but I took my new little porcelain Nez Perce mare outside for a bit of time in front of the camera. She certainly can show off--

There is so much detail packed into this horse that it's hard to capture from just a few full-body shots. I absolutely had to get closer, which was a bit hard to do with my giant of a camera.

All of the fabric has texture to it. In photos, it appears that there's very much a weight to it, that the saddle and cloths across her back are actually heavy. But in reality, she's really no heavier than a normal Breyer. I think she weighs about the same as Tashunka (my Medicine Hat Wild Bronc resin), and she's definitely not as heavy as Pisces (my Windstone Editions Hippocampus).

Also, sorry if the photo is a bit dark, but she actually has TEETH. Her lip is drawn up as if she's trying to scratch at the child wrapped up and strapped to her shoulder. Like she's not quite sure what he is and why he's there, but she wants to find out.

Her markings are extremely detailed. A few of her spots are mapped and some are not; her hooves have the typical Appaloosa striping with light coronary bands and just a hint of cracking on the bottom that's been painted on.

I absolutely adore this little mare, and I'm delighted to (FINALLY) have her as a part of my show string. I'm kind of a sucker for spots, and she's just gorgeous all-around. 

Here's a few more detail shots of her that I managed to get while the lighting was still good:

Hopefully you've enjoyed this little peek at a horse that's quickly becoming one of my favorites. If you come to the Halloween Edition of Palooza Live in October, you'll definitely be seeing her.

Well, for now... That's all folks! 
