Sleigh Rally, one of the many Wisconsin Live Model Horse Shows, is an event that we visit yearly. It's always great to catch up with old friends, make some new ones, and participate in the model horse hobby at the same time. This year's Sleigh Rally featured some amazing additions to the building we always use - an elevator so hobbyists wouldn't have to climb the icy staircase out front and new heaters so nobody ended up freezing. Awesome, right?
The show hall was absolutely full! |
Waiting for classes and doing drawing homework
was how I spent most of the day. |
One of the neat things about Sleigh Rally is the amazing ribbons they have for Section and Overall Champions. Karen does such an incredible job. I mean, just look at these!
I'm lucky enough to have a Section Reserve from last year. |
Sleigh Rally is actually only one part of an event called "A Winter Day in the Park." The model horse show goes on indoors, while outside, skijoring and sleigh rides happen out in the snow-covered field of the park.
With how fast classes were called, we didn't get as many
pictures of the outdoor events as I would've liked... |
Like the shows we host up here, Sleigh Rally also features a Youth and Kids division, which has their own special prizes and Silent Auction items. Each class has a critique of its own, and the judge this year was very thorough with her remarks. There were some amazing performance scenes from the Youth.
I was rather impressed by the Harness classes, honestly. You go, guys! |
Speaking of Performance scenes, check out what the Open division had to offer:
I wanted to get right up close and personal with this Cavalry set up.
Look at all those details! |
Parade tack makes for some of my all-time favorite set ups. |
For those of you who are unsure about Breyer taking on the CollectA horses (or Corral Pals, as they're now called,) look at this performance scene. These are all CollectA calves and a customized CollectA Quarter Horse cutter.
This Quarter Horse mold is on our list of Corral Club horses for the year. He makes for an incredible performance horse - just make sure you can find tack to fit!
We had so much fun at this show! Between checking out all the amazing entries and talking to new friends, our day was busy, but definitely worthwhile. I also couldn't believe the amount of people there who were totally new to the hobby.
Some ponies chilling between classes on my mom's side of the table. |
And there was also a very special guest- Morgen Kilbourn's personally painted copy of her newest resin, Tetradrachm. Definitely on my "to buy" list, this guy is only available for a limited time, and Morgen has been sending him around on a little show tour. I was beyond delighted to find that Sleigh Rally was one of those shows.
Morgen captures incredible detail in her sculptures AND paint jobs. |
What a beautiful boy! |
Seeing him was one of the highlights of my day, as was seeing my horses doing well in their classes. This little Stablemate CM filly always wins something no matter where I take her.
So tiny! |
That's a wrap on Sleigh Rally! Stay tuned for more model horse show adventures. We'll be hitting up another two shows in the next couple of weeks here, and it's going to be a doozy!