Seeing as we had already come home with one of almost every special run (minus the Pegasus), I scanned the list for things that I didn't figure anybody in our area would already have. I had to do a lot of thinking about that, though. Back before we started running more complex shows and taking in models to sell, my mom and I were still attending BreyerFest every year. In those days, we were only able to bring models home for ourselves, and sometimes we didn't even get every model we wanted. (No extra tickets, no extra models.)
I took this as an opportunity to see if I could snag some models from 2014 and earlier, and guess what?
I did.
So there you have it. A "Dances with Wolves" from 2010 and a "Champagne Toast" from 2014, but Dances with Wolves will not be for sale. Let me offer a little bit of explanation.
BreyerFest 2010 was my first BreyerFest. I was able to come home with every single model except for two- Beethoven and Dances with Wolves. As a kid who was seriously into collecting and showing my models, I really, REALLY wanted a porcelain piece. But also, as a kid, I did not have the money to afford a $155 porcelain horse- no matter how pretty she was an how much I loved her. My mother told me "Absolutely not. You're not getting that horse. She's too breakable and too expensive." And though miffed, I thought it was a good enough argument.
However, now that I am a legal adult with a job and money of my own, spending money on a horse that was discounted from $155 to something more affordable to me was a no-brainer. So she's mine now, after six years of searching and hoping that I would actually find her at some room sale of on eBay.
Don't give up on your dreams, kids. Eventually, you WILL end up with that expensive grail your parents originally said "no" to.
I hope you enjoyed today's motivational blog. Stick around- I've been making some halters, and I might just to a little tutorial on them.