Thursday, February 2, 2017

Unboxing - Bourbon

Once you're old enough that you stop making Christmas lists, a lot of your friends and relatives just end up sending you money for Christmas. I'm sure some of you out there have been experiencing this for years, or maybe that time's just now starting for you. Either way, it opens up a lot of exciting opportunities.

So, to preface this whole thing, I'd like to thank my grandparents for helping fund my Christmas present for this year- a beautiful rolling resin by the name of Bourbon.

Picture from Seunta LLC
I had been watching the Seunta (pronounced "shane-ta" for anyone who's curious) website for quite some time after they had announced their 2016 Holiday Sale because I have been wanting one of these bad boys for a while. But being a broke college student (art student, no less, which means I have even less money,) I could never afford to splurge on a resin, especially for myself.

Fortunately for me, after Christmas came around, I had enough money to buy myself one! I'll leave how he'll be painted a surprise for now until I start working on him and showing you all pictures.

I guess I can give you a hint - it'll be one of my "specialties." (*cough* Pinto *cough*)

First off, Bourbon arrived in a box inside of a box, which is always fun. I'm pretty much in love with Seunta's logo, to be honest. It's absolutely lovely.

Opening up the box left me confronted by one of my worst packing enemies... foam peanuts! Don't get me wrong, they're great packing material, buuuut they stick to anyone and everything in their path. 

I don't have any pictures of before Bourbon was unwrapped, but he came absolutely mummified. Most often, to protect resins, you will wrap their heads, tails, legs, and sometimes even their entire bodies in tissue paper. Bourbon came with only his head, neck, and tail wrapped, but it did it's job well. No cracks or breaks!

And isn't he something?

There's so much personality in this resin - I cannot wait to get started on him! I'll be sure to update you all on his progress as he's being worked on, so stick around and stay tuned; this rolling boy needs to be prepped, primed, and painted for NaMoPaiMo!

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