Saturday, July 23, 2016

Kentucky - Day Four

Today was Stone Age Live and the Masquerade Ball for Equilocity. Let's get started, shall we?

The Heritage Hall at the Lexington Convention Center was gorgeous! Such a large venue for a show that felt like just a regular, no-stress, at-home show. Definitely a much better feel than BreyerFest, in my opinion. Not as busy, not as many showers, and a full HOUR break for lunch. You couldn't ask for anything better!

We spent our break hunting Pokemon in Triangle Park. Beautiful, yeah?
Placings were only first through third, but that doesn't mean that Inkblot Stables didn't have a good showing. We came home with plenty of firsts, a second, a couple thirds, and even a grand and reserve section champion.

Pisces won me some Stone Bucks!
After the show was over, we had a little bit of downtime before the Masquerade Ball at seven. That downtime was spent taking naps, doing our hair, and getting our "costumes" on before heading over to the Fairfield.

What a night it was!

With dinner, we also got Stone Chips - a variation of purple decorators in different breeds. All of them were gorgeous, but I think I like mine the best.

A purple and gold drafter
Then came the costume contest!

After dinner, Peter shared some stories with us in honor of Stone Horse's 20th anniversary. Lots of entertaining tales about his time at Breyer, his breaking off into a separate company, and a bunch of adventures from along the way. All of this while we enjoyed some excellent anniversary cake.

Cake led to the special dinner release sale, the nightly raffle, the basket raffles, and the live auction. And seeing as I was spotted wearing an Equilocity T-shirt, I came home with a little something special.

Check this guy out! All of this year's T-shirt models were different molds with different variations of gold colors. The one that I picked out just so happened to be a minimal tobiano on the Thoroughbred mold with a braided mane and tail. Peter even signed him for me - after we had a little bit of time to catch up with him. Talk about stunning!

We still have ONE more day of BreyerFest, and we're so excited to bring back some of what we've found to share with you. 

Hang in there!


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